Online Marketing and Storytelling with Rodney Hess, Vice President of Rally Marketing
“Opportunity Machine's last Small Business Boot Camp of 2020. This event is completely FREE to attend, however registration is required. Register now!
Opportunity Machine's Small Business Boot Camp is designed to help small business owners learn the best practices of running a business.
How you participate is up to you! Join us physically OR virtually as we broadcast everything from the Clifton Chenier Center in Lafayette, LA via Zoom Tuesdays at 6:00 pm CST.
Attendees are welcome to meet in-person at 220 W Willow St. Please note that face coverings are required and social distancing protocols will be maintained.
September 22 - Business Models and Traction with Destin Ortego, Director of Opportunity Machine
September 29 - Online Marketing and Storytelling with Rodney Hess, Vice President of Rally Marketing
October 6 - Build Your Brand and Rule the World with Jaci Russo, CEO of brandRUSSO
October 13 - Ten Elements You Need for Your Marketing Plan with Allison McElligott, Account Manager at BBR Creative
October 20- Protecting Your Assets with Emily Wright, Attorney with Onebane Law Firm
November 3 - Tax Savings Tools for Small Business with Trae O'Pry, Tax Manager at Broussard Poche', LLP
November 10 - Developing an Effective Sales Strategy with Corey Jack, Principal Consultant with Jack & Associates, LLC
RSVP now:”