“Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Happy Monday to you all. This episode of Praying With Music features the song, Oceans by Hillsong UNITED. CLICK HERE to watch the video. The song was inspired by Matthew 14:22-33 . As Peter walks out to Jesus on the water, he becomes afraid. He begins to sink because he is not fixed on Jesus. Like Peter, when we are afraid, or when we are not focused on Jesus, we also begin to sink in our spiritual life. JESUS SAVE ME!”
— Laura Huval
https://laurahuval.com/ SPOTIFY http://ow.ly/txcr50zm10v ITUNES: http://ow.ly/498c50zm10r YouTube Music: http://ow.ly/hBi050APFa4 FACEBOOK: http://ow.ly/rUwf...