Stop by after church to support our mission. Blues & Barbeque is designed to provide a family fun outlet for the downtown community. Tables and chairs will be set up outside the doors for families to enjoy the Blues & Barbeque. The Grill will be lit and the food blessed.
Big Blaques BBQ is in charge of the pit and providing lunches at $10 per plate. Blue Monday Mission Band starts performing from 3-6, with Greenlight and guest DJs also adding to the soundtrack.
The Office Bar will be serving drinks inside - Enjoy 1/2 off tabs for ALL SERVICE INDUSTRY workers including teachers and nurses.
After eating make sure to visit Genterie Supply while sales are up to 40% off from 12 - 3 p.m. If you show up late or stay for a while, Grant St Dancehall is opening at 6 p.m. for the late-night fun. Community, family, and friends old & new — let's come together and support each other.
Love of People - "Helping Others, Help Others”